American Transaction Processors Coalition member companies provide the tools, infrastructure and technology that enable global commerce.

Member companies employ more than 95,000 people at locations in nearly every U.S. state in addition to more than 75,000 employees based outside of the country and report combined annual revenues of more than $55 billion.

The American Transaction Processors Coalition educates policymakers, the media, and the public on the impact of the payments industry across all U.S. states as well as at the national level.

The ATPC launched April 16, 2014 with an Atlanta town hall to educate 400-plus industry employees, chamber of commerce executives, university leadership and elected officials from Congress, the Georgia General
Assembly and local governments across metro Atlanta, about Transaction Alley.

The program, sponsored by InComm, featured an impressive collection of speakers, including:
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed; Congressman Tom Price (R-GA); ATPC Executive Director H.West
Richards; InComm COO and CFO Scott Meyerhoff; and a panel with Worldpay, US President and
CEO Tony Catalfano, FIS Chief Administrative Officer/SVP Susan Lorenz, and Raymond James
Analyst Wayne Johnson.

What We Do

The ATPC was created to protect, promote and preserve the interests of this critical American industry through proactive public relations and government affairs activities.

The ATPC began its federal government outreach by educating Georgia’s Congressional Delegation about the payments processing industry’s “hometown impact.” That Congressional outreach expanded to include “hub and spoke” legislators – those representing districts across America where ATPC companies have a significant presence (sales force, data centers, corporate HQ’s, etc.) – to build broad support for protecting the payments industry, and ensuring Georgia and the U.S. are recognized as the global center of the digital economy. The ATPC staff and legislators regularly tell the industry story to members of Congress, White House, and federal regulators.

Similarly, the ATPC launched state government education and relationship-building campaigns in Georgia, signaling the impact 40,000-plus payments employees make locally. The ATPC remains one of the only payments nonprofits also focusing on comprehensive state government relations, adding activities in Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio in 2019. A dedicated lobbyist was added in Illinois in 2020, and outreach expanded to New York and Wisconsin more recently. The ATPC currently monitors legislation in all 50 states and leverages its member-driven Public Policy committee to determine which legislation to weigh in on at any given moment.

America’s Transaction Alley

The American Transaction Processors Coalition represents the more than 70 Georgia-based companies in “Transaction Alley” and payments processing companies across America. The companies develop the products and provide resources supporting the financial service industry’s technology needs, impacting the entire country – and world – through the industry ecosystem.

More than 60 percent of the companies in this U.S. industry call Georgia home and 70 percent of all U.S. payments processed annually run through Georgia. The global payment processing (merchant acquiring) industry processes approximately $369 billion card transactions annually with projected growth to $854 billion by 2028.