Securing a Voice, Support and investment for America’s Payments and fintech industries

The ATPC protects, promotes and preserves the payments and fintech industries through
proactive government affairs and public relations with the leading companies that develop products and provide resources supporting the financial service industry’s technology needs.

ATPC Capitol Hill Fly-In
About Us

The ATPC is Built Different

The ATPC is a “surgical” trade association bringing the right people and organizations together at the right time to educate legislators, regulators and policy decisionmakers about critical issues facing the payments processing industry and the larger economy. We strive to gather the most talented and focused thought leaders and companies in Payments and Fintech to drive public policy that advances financial inclusion, supports small businesses, and enables consumers to seamlessly interact with an increasingly digital and global economy.

ATPC leverages the industry’s thousands of employees to align the power of influential state Congressional delegations for positive policy outcomes, and creates state and local government incentives for the industry to expand and thrive.

Key Initiatives

Platforms That Drive the Industry

The ATPC hosts and supports several initiatives that develop critical policy positions, educate members and fosters relationships that expand industry knowledge and influence

Cyber Council

Platform for CISO’s to discuss trends and best practices; and to educate regulators and legislators about cybersecurity policy

Future Leaders

Educates rising stars primed to lead the payments industry and introduces them to government relations value


Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta partnership driving payments issue education and research

Georgia Fintech Academy

Diversity talent development initiative for any student to learn more about fintech and interact with fintech employers, ideated by the ATPC

Fintech Atlanta

Coalition of companies working to advance Atlanta as the recognized global capital of financial technology, co-created by ATPC


A collaborative sandbox for thought leadership, best practice and ideas for harmonizing global standards on these key non-competitive issues, founded by the ATPC

ATPC Approach – “Hub and Spoke”

Member Company Influence

ATPC member companies, many headquartered in Atlanta’s “Transaction Alley,” have offices, staff and a physical presence in locales around the globe. This map captures those locations in the United States and United Kingdom, depicting their growing influence. The ATPC’s P20 partnership, based in London, links the world’s financial services capital with America’s fintech hub. The ATPC team leverages this global footprint of “local” economic impact to engage lawmakers on Capitol Hill and state capitals, educating them about the direct impact of legislation on jobs and consumers “in home districts.”


What Members Say About the ATPC

ATPC membership and sponsorship opportunities are available to traditional payments processors, credit card brands, financial institutions, fintech companies and technology firms, and supporters of the ecosystem.

The ATPC…amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam

Jamie Walker


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam

Colleen Taylor, President, U.S. Merchant Services, American Express

Colleen Taylor

American Express

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam

Mohammed Mortajine, Governance Chair, Chief Compliance & Risk Officer, ACI Worldwide

Mohammed Mortajine

ACI Worldwide


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